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Fran White Geberth

The Work of

Fran White Geberth


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Studio Location  
35 Wendys Way
Harwich MA 02645
United States
508 432 5907
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Studio Hours
any day--by appointment
Mailing Address
35 Wendys Way
Harwich MA 02645
United States
Artist's Statement
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A native New Yorker, I've lived on the Cape since '75. I'm an alumnus of Parsons School of Design in Manhattan and have studied watercolor with Edmond J. Fitzgerald and portraiture with Noam Los.
Primarily a watercolorist, I also work in oils. Strong draftsmanship and a keen response to color are elements of my work. It's my philosophy that the artist is an observer, a recorder and a craftsman--using fact, creating fiction I seek to reveal a truth that is indicative of the subjective inner space.   My work is 'designed realism'. In every painting there is emotion and mystery as I seek to interpret Man and Nature moving through the slow ritual of the turning year.
I enjoy painting the Cape Cod waterfront, working fishing vessels and New England landscapes--especially old New England houses with their multiple additions and complicated rooflines. Interiors are, perhaps, the most interesting as there one deals with complex perspective problems and, often, several light sources.
A frequent exhibitor in juried shows, my work is in private and corporate collections in Britain, Canada, Taiwan, Egypt, Germany, Ireland and the United States.
I am currently represented by The Art Gallery, 551 Route 28 (Main St.,) Harwich Port, MA, 02646 and am the resident artist at Fo'cas'le House Studio-Gallery, 35 Wendys Way, Harwich, MA 02645
Past Events:
Meet the Aritsts
Open Studio Harwich Port, MA
Outdoor art show and sale
Art Festival Harwich Port, MA
Art show and sale
Gallery Show Harwich Port, MA

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